School Health Programme

According to World Health Organisation, nearly 60 lakh people in India die of non-communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, lung, and heart diseases each year. Apart from NCDs, India ranks very low as far as road safety is concerned. According to recent road safety data, nearly 1,375 road accidents, leading to nearly 400 deaths, happen every day. This is the highest road fatality rate in the world.
Clearly, there is a massive need to work on awareness generation on the root cause and lifestyle of community to save nation from these avoidable deaths.
In schools, we are dealing with adolescents. The adolescents go through a lot of physical and social changes during this time. Having prior and accurate information about their bodily changes will prevent misinformation, myths, and hence unhealthy practices.
This project was implemented in 10 schools of Lucknow. The mandatory sessions included:
The optional sessions included: